Passing Away


There is no doubt or uncertainty about one thing in life. Death. We will all taste it. After death it is important that a Muslim is buried in the Islamic way, preferably within 24 hours. A number of things are required here:

  • Ritual ablution
  • Wrapping
  • Pray
  • Buried

The Jenazah Committee of PPME Den Haag can provide support in arranging the funeral. It is then responsible for the supervision from the moment someone dies until the burial. This only happens at the request of the person who dies or the next of kin. It is therefore good to express your wish to the organization and/or family in advance. Are you converted? Also let your close family know that this is a duty and wish for you as a Muslim.

Role of the committee after death

If the Jenazah Commission is asked to supervise a funeral, we are responsible for ensuring that it runs smoothly. This starts with communication between the Commission and the next of kin. In addition, the Commission assists as much as possible in communication with the insurance company.

The Commission puts together a team that is responsible for the execution of the funeral. Within this team, the members are responsible for various components. For example, approaching people for washing and wrapping the deceased and an imam who supervises the funeral at the cemetery. All this is done in close consultation with the next of kin and possibly the funeral insurance.

The Commission also makes a death package available. It contains all the necessities for washing and wrapping the deceased. You can see the costs in the overview below:

Islamic funeral Member Non-member
Religious guidance:
  • Bathing the deceased body
  • Wrapping kafan
  • Jenazah prayer
  • Guidance for interment / burial
(min. 4 & max. 6 persons)
€ 0,00 € 500,00
Kafan materials € 0,00 € 150,00
Travel expenses Travel allowance given by PPME The Hague to the volunteers of the religious guidance € 0,23/km

(for all participants of religious guidance)

Funeral Insurance

Do you have funeral insurance? Check whether they are also aware of your wishes. Otherwise you can still report this to them. If you do not yet have insurance, you can state your wishes directly when taking out insurance.

In addition, it is good to consider:

  • by whom you want to be washed (several people of the same sex)
  • by whom you want to be complicated (several people of the same sex)
  • where you want to be buried
  • who is the contact person

Do you want to be buried in a country other than the Netherlands? Then contact the embassy of that country.

Someone has passed away. What should I do?

  • The first thing we say when we hear or see that someone has died:

Innalilahi wa innailaihi rojiun

Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him we return.

  • Are you there when someone dies? Then cover the deceased from head to toe with a (white) cloth.
  • Call the funeral insurance company and report the death.
  • Contact PPME Commission Jenazah via phone number +31 6 82688948.

We can well imagine that emotions take over when a loved one dies. It is all the more important that matters are properly arranged and/or discussed in advance. Of course, there is not always an opportunity for this before a death. For example, due to a sudden event or absence of reliable or helpful relatives.

We do our best, with Allah’s Will, to make the funeral as smooth as possible and according to the rules of Islam.

We ask Allah to grant our patience sabr when we face such a trial, ameen.