Islamic Marriage


Marriage in Islam is a form of worship. By entering into a marriage you fulfill half of your religion. Marriage changes the relationship between a man and a woman. What used to be haram is now halal. Marriage is a sacred event and has the value of worship. PPME The Hague can help to complete marriage according to Islamic teachings.

Marry off the ˹free˺ singles among you, as well as the righteous of your bondmen and bondwomen. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His bounty. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing. An-Nur: 32

If you want to have an Islamic marriage at the PPME The Hague, you need the following:

  • A completed registration and checklist form, can be downloaded here 📝

From the bride -to-be :

  • A passport photo in triplicate
  • A copy of a valid Dutch passport
  • And otherwise a copy of a valid residence permit
  • Are you converted? Then we ask for a copy of the certificate of conversion
  • Are you a widow? Then we ask for a copy of the death certificate
  • Are you divorced? Then we ask for a copy of the divorce deed
  • Letter in which your father gives permission for the marriage

From the future groom :

  • A passport photo in triplicate
  • A copy of a valid Dutch passport
  • And otherwise a copy of a valid residence permit
  • Copy of a valid passport of two male Islamic witnesses
  • Are you converted? Then we ask for a copy of the certificate of conversion
  • Are you a widow? Then we ask for a copy of the death certificate
  • Are you divorced? Then we ask for a copy of the divorce deed
  • The dowry

In order for a valid Islamic marriage to be solemnized, the following items must be present at the wedding:

  • The groom
  • The bride
  • The Bride’s Guardian
  • Two male Islamic witnesses
  • The dowry
  • Wedding ceremony

The overview below shows the costs for a wedding at PPME Den Haag:

Member Non-Member
Imaam € 100 € 100
Transport outside The Hague € 0,30 p/km € 0,30 p/km
Remote Location € 50 € 50
Administration € 75 € 150

Do you have any questions about the nikah? Mail to

Marriage Registration Form 📝